

Contaminated surfaces accelerate the spread of deadly diseases

Every year, infectious diseases kill 17 million people around the world and cost the global economy billions of dollars in health-care expenses and lost productivity. Contaminated surfaces contribute to their spread. Germs from coughs, sneezes and unwashed hands are constantly contaminating high-touch areas in hospitals, hotels, public transit, offices and commercial spaces.

Some pathogens — like coronaviruses — can survive outside the body for days. Others can live on surfaces for weeks or even months. When those surfaces aren’t effectively sanitized, the consequences can range from the sniffles to something far more serious.

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Air pollution causes 7 million premature deaths each year

Nine out of ten people around the world breathe air that doesn’t meet the World Health Organization’s minimum health standards.

Outside, traffic exhaust and industrial emissions fill the air with nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other dangerous substances. Meanwhile, levels of certain pollutants can be even higher indoors, thanks to off-gassing from products like paint, carpets and building materials.

The consequences are serious: from lower productivity in the workplace and poor school performance to increased risk of respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia and other illnesses. According to the Lancet, air pollution is one of the great killers of our age.

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Contaminated surfaces accelerate the spread of COVID-19, H1N1, tuberculosis and other diseases

Every year, infectious diseases kill 17 million people around the world and cost the global economy billions of dollars in health-care expenses and lost productivity. Contaminated surfaces contribute to their spread. Germs from coughs, sneezes and unwashed hands are constantly contaminating high-touch areas in hospitals, offices, public transit, daycares and other public spaces.

Some pathogens — like coronaviruses — can survive outside the body for days. Others can live on surfaces for weeks or even months. When those surfaces aren’t effectively sanitized, the consequences can range from the sniffles to something far more serious.

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Air pollution causes 7 million premature deaths each year

Nine out of ten people around the world breathe air that doesn’t meet the World Health Organization’s minimum health standards.

Outside, traffic exhaust and industrial emissions fill the air with nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other dangerous substances. Meanwhile, levels of certain pollutants can be even higher indoors, thanks to off-gassing from products like paint, carpets and building materials.

The consequences are serious: from lower productivity in the workplace and poor school performance to increased risk of respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia and other illnesses. According to the Lancet, air pollution is one of the great killers of our age.

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Powerful coating technology

EnvisionSQ’s proprietary nano-coatings have many applications. Our SmogStop products break down air pollutants indoors and out, powered by the light around them. Meanwhile a single application of GermStopSQ — the world’s first approved residual disinfectant — keeps killing 99.999 per cent of bacteria and 99.9 per cent of Human Coronavirus 229E for a full 24 hours.

A Health Canada-approved coating that provides continuous disinfection

Standard disinfectants don’t have staying power. Although they remove germs, it takes only one touch from an infectious person to re-contaminate the surface. GermStopSQ is different.

Our powerful liquid disinfectant initially kills 99.999 per cent of bacteria and 99.99 per cent of viruses — and keeps on killing, forming a residual coating that destroys 99.999 per cent of bacteria and 99.9 per cent of Human Coronavirus 229E for 24 hours. As a result, doorknobs, handrails, countertops and other high-touch surfaces remain safe around the clock.

Approved by Health Canada for essentially all use areas (domestic, hospital/healthcare, food premises, barns, and institutional/industrial). Health Canada DIN 02548305

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A highway pollution barrier that creates cleaner air

SmogStop Barrier lets local residents breathe easier. The first approved air-quality barrier in the world, our technology cuts traffic emissions in half, while breaking down the key pollutants that create regional smog. Over the course of a year, a single kilometre of SmogStop Barrier can remove 16 tonnes of NOx — equivalent to taking 200,000 vehicles off that stretch of road every day.

It also blocks noise, while the translucent acrylic walls let the sun shine through. Best of all, this beautifully designed technology involves no electricity and no moving parts. Instead, it’s powered entirely by sunlight and natural flow of air.

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Creating healthier indoor air

Standard HVAC filters capture the airborne germs that cause disease — but they don’t kill them. Under the right conditions, those bacteria and viruses can grow, multiply and get released back into the building. EnvisionSQ’s revolutionary new technology stops that spread.

GermStopSQ Filters are coated with a powerful residual disinfectant that kills the viruses and bacteria it traps, with an effectiveness of more than 99.999 per cent. At the same time, they remove standard particulates like smoke, dust and pollen, creating cleaner, healthier indoor air.

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Save lives, and money…

…through cleaner air

Cleaner air is a smart investment. According to a 2016 World Bank report, air pollution costs $5.11 trillion in premature deaths each year. And reducing pollution levels doesn’t just save lives. It also reduces doctor visits, emergency room admissions and absenteeism due to illness. According to a 2016 study looking at the City of Toronto, every tonne of NOx removed yields $650,000 in health benefits.

But the benefits don’t stop there. According to a recent Harvard study, removing VOCs from indoor air improves productivity, boosting cognitive performance scores by 61 per cent.

For government, industry, building owners and managers, the benefits of EnvisionSQ’s air pollution control products are clear.

…and powerful disinfectants

Around the world, contaminated surfaces help spread a host of viral and bacterial diseases. That’s where GermStopSQ can help. Discover a broad-spectrum virucide and hospital/healthcare disinfectant with residual power.

This first-of-its kind disinfectant has been proven to continuously kill 99.9 per cent of Human Coronavirus 229E — a proxy for the virus that causes COVID-19 — for 24 hours. It’s also effective against a variety of bacteria, including some of the biggest drivers of hospital-acquired infections. Globally, these diseases infect hundreds of millions of patients each year, escalating health-care costs and causing countless deaths.

EnvisionSQ’s powerful disinfectant helps break the chain of transmission, curbing the damage caused by infectious diseases. And its long-lasting effects mean you only need to apply it once a day for continuous protection.

Save lives, and money…

…through cleaner air

Cleaner air is a smart investment. According to a 2016 World Bank report, air pollution costs $5.11 trillion in premature deaths each year. And reducing pollution levels doesn’t just save lives. It also reduces doctor visits, emergency room admissions and absenteeism due to illness. According to a 2016 study looking at the City of Toronto, every tonne of NOx removed yields $650,000 in health benefits.

But the benefits don’t stop there. According to a recent Harvard study, removing VOCs from indoor air improves productivity, boosting cognitive performance scores by 61 per cent.

For government, industry, building owners and managers, the benefits of EnvisionSQ’s air pollution control products are clear.

…and powerful disinfectants

Around the world, COVID-19 has killed hundreds of thousands of people and will cost the global economy at least US$1 trillion. One way it spreads is via contaminated surfaces. That’s where GermStopSQ comes in. By continuously destroying coronaviruses wherever it’s applied, GermStopSQ helps to cut the number of new infections.

But its value extends far beyond pandemics like COVID-19. Globally, hospital-acquired diseases infect hundreds of millions of patients each year, escalating health-care costs and causing countless deaths. Meanwhile, even something as innocuous as the common cold costs the United States US$40 billion a year in doctor visits, medications and time off work.

EnvisionSQ’s powerful, long-lasting disinfectant solution helps break the chain of transmission — curbing the damage caused by infectious diseases.